

本計畫針對雪山坑溪野生動物重要棲息環境之植群、植群永久樣區及珍貴稀有維管束植物進行調查。已完成32個植物社會樣區調查及永久樣區複查並記錄維管束植物97科204屬327種及珍貴稀有維管束植物之分布。依矩陣群團分析結果,選擇優勢種及特徵種作為植群之命名,目前32個樣區可劃分為卡氏櫧型、墨點櫻桃型、墨點櫻桃—長葉木薑子型、臺灣山香圓型及紅檜型等5個植群型。另比對2次永久樣區資料,分析其植群組成及結構,瞭解苗木更新狀況,供作未來評估本區植群演替趨勢及監測工作之依據。此外整理珍貴稀有維管束植物清單及分布,作為經營管理、保育及解說教育應用上之參考。 The vegetation, permanent plots, and rare and valuable plant species were investigated at Sheishankeng River Major Wildlife Habitat. There were 32 vegetation community plots investigated so far and the permanent plots re-investigated. It was recorded 327 species, 204 genera, and 97 families of vascular plants. It was also found some distributions of rare and valuable vascular plants. The vegetations were named after their dominant and specific species after the cluster analysis. The present 32 plots were divided into 5 vegetation types as Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii type, Prunus phaeosticta type, Prunus phaeosticta- Litsea acuminata type, Turpinia formosana type and Chamaecyparis formosensis type. We will keep investigating and compare our data with the former ones from the 2 times of permanent plots investigation. We are going to analyze their vegetation components and structures and monitor the regeneration of seedlings to make a reference for the evaluation of the vegetation succession trend in this area and the monitoring in the future. The list and distributions of rare and valuable vascular plants were also compiled for the application for the management, conservation, and interpretation and education.

發布單位:Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 2,028


國祥 賴(Lai) creator
  • Dr.
  • 社團法人中華易之森林植物研究協會
  • TW
Kun-Chi Lai metadataprovider
  • east0122@gate.sinica.edu.tw
國祥 賴(Lai) contact
  • Dr.
  • 社團法人中華易之森林植物研究協會
  • TW