

The results of this monitoring are part of the “110-111 Eastern Coastal Ecotourism Construction Plan” and the “112-113 Eastern Coastal Ecotourism Construction Plan”. The organizer is the Eastern Coastal National Scenic Area Administration of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), and the monitoring locations of the plan include four sites along the eastern coast of Taiwan, namely, Shitiping, SanXianTai, Fugang, and Nanxi. Members of the ecological monitoring team are mainly local residents. The monitoring area in Shitiping Stage Platform, where intertidal organisms are targeted; the monitoring area in Fugang is the Fugang Geopark, where land hermit crabs are targeted; the monitoring area in SanXianTai includes the SanXianTai Trail and part of the main island's trail, where land crabs and sea snakes are targeted; and amphibians and reptiles are targeted in the Nanxi Tribe. 本監測成果為「110-111年東部海岸生態觀光建構計畫」、「112-113年東部海岸生態觀光建構計畫」之一環,主辦單位為交通部觀光局東部海岸國家風景區管理處,計畫監測地點包括臺灣東部海岸的四處場址,分別為港口、成功(三仙台)、富岡、南溪。 進行生態監測的成員以當地居民為主,港口地區監測區域為石梯坪海階平台,對象為潮間帶生物;富岡地區監測區域為富岡地質公園,對象為陸域寄居蟹;成功地區監測區域包含三仙台步道與部分本島步道,監測對象為陸蟹與海蛇;南溪部落為兩棲類與爬行類。

發布單位:Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 1,217
event筆數 279


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