Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020


The Water Resources Agency (WRA), MOEA has continually conducted investigations of the current status of rivers between 2002 to 2020 and has completed the investigation of 26 rivers. Include water area survey(fish, shrimps, crabs, aquatic insects, Annelid, algae, aquatic plants) and land area survey near the river(terrestrial plants, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals), analyze the river ecology and environmental quality. 本河川情勢調查資料集是經濟部水利署自2002至2020年期間之河川生物調查資料,包含水域(魚、蝦蟹、水生昆蟲、螺貝類、藻類水生植物)及臨近河川之陸域(陸域植物、鳥、兩棲類、爬蟲類、哺乳類)之生物調查資料。

發布單位:Water Resources Agency,Ministry of Economic Affairs
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 158,268


Shu-Ju Wang creator
  • associate Engineer
  • Water Resources Planinng Institute,Water Resources Agency,Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • TW
Shu-Ju Wang metadataprovider
  • associate Engineer
  • Water Resources Planinng Institute,Water Resources Agency,Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • TW
Chih-Hsiung He publisher
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Water Resources Planinng Institute,Water Resources Agency,Ministry of Economic Affairs
Water Resources Agency contentProvider
  • River Planning Section
  • The River Management Office(1st to 10th)
Shu-Ju Wang contact
  • associate Engineer
  • Water Resources Planinng Institute,Water Resources Agency,Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • TW