102年丹大野生動物重要棲息環境 -巒大事業區鳥類群落調查


丹大野生動物重要棲息環境之巒大事業區135-148林班鳥類群落調查從102年秋季至103年夏季,分別於巒大事業區140、142及143林班三個林班各選擇1處進行鳥類定點計數估算密度,並透過沿線調查記錄郡大林道31K~37K路線上所發現之物種,共計巒大事業區135-148林班範圍內記錄21科33種,其中特有種有12種,特有亞種有14種,保育類14種,春夏季數量以冠羽畫眉(Yuhina brunneiceps)最為優勢。巒大事業區135-148林班外之郡大林道31K~37K路線上共發現20科33種,特有種記錄到11種,特有亞種記錄到15種,保育類則有9種。根據定點計數結果,秋季記錄6種,冬季記錄5種,春季記錄13種,夏季記錄13種,秋冬季記錄的物種較少,春夏季物種較為豐富;而根據沿線調查結果,秋季記錄21種,冬季則僅15種,春季紀錄23種,夏季紀錄26種,冬季物種及數量相較少於其他季節,由於鳥類於冬季會有海拔垂直降遷的行為,因此冬季於高海拔記錄的鳥類物種相對減少,繁殖季時則可記錄到較多物種。 Bird community surveys of the Danda Major Wildlife Habitat of the Luanda Working Circle were conducted from 2013 fall to 2014 summer. Avian point-counts were sampled at 3 sites in 140, 142, and 143 compartments of the Luanda Working Circle seasonally. Observational surveys were also conducted from 31K to 37K of the Jyunda logging road. Total 33 species belonging to 21 families were found in 135-148 compartments of the Luanda Working Circle, including 12 endemic species, 14 endemic sub-species, and 14 protected wild birds. Taiwan yuhina (Yuhina brunneiceps) was the most abundant during the breeding season. Along the Jyunda logging road outside 135-148 compartments of the Luanda Working Circle, 33 species belonging to 20 families were found, including 11 endemic species, 15 endemic sub-species, and 9 protected wild birds. Avian point-counts documented 6 species in fall, 5 species in winter, 13 species in spring, and 13 species in summer. The species found in fall and winter were fewer than in spring and summer. Along the Jyunda logging road outside 135-148 compartments of the Luanda Working Circle, there were 21 species in fall, 15 species in winter, 23 species in spring, and 26 species in summer are found. The species found in winter were fewer than the other seasons. Fewer bird species in winter were resulted from altitudinal migration of some birds in winter.

發布單位:Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 84


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