Taiwan Agricultural LTER Dataset 臺灣農業長期生態監測生物資料集


Taiwan Agricultural Long Term Ecological Research Network aims to collect the occurrences of birds, amphibians and reptiles on the farmlands of Taiwan since 2021. We collected the observations at eight sites in different parts of Taiwan, and the crop types including rice paddies and orchards. All sites include at least a patch of fields with organic farming and conventional farming respectively. The surveyors recorded the date, time, location, and species of each individual which was observed by sight and/or sound. 為了改善農業環境狀況,並兼顧農業環境生產糧食及保育生物多樣性等多重價值,建立生物多樣性友善農業為推動新農業的重要研究題材。然而,臺灣雖然推動十餘年的公民科學,累積大量生物時空分布資料,農業環境缺仍舊相當缺乏資料。為此,我們與配合農業試驗所的農業長期生態監測計畫,自2021年起於全國八處監測站(新竹峨嵋、苗栗西湖、臺南麻豆、高雄燕巢、屏東枋山、臺東卑南、臺東池上、及花蓮富里)以地圖描繪法執行鳥類、兩棲類、爬行類的監測工作。

發布單位:Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 9,370
event筆數 865


Da-Li Lin creator
  • Assistant Research Fellow
  • Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
  • TW
  • 552441, Ming-Shen East Rd
  • thrush1250@gmail.com
Yung-Lun Lin creator
  • Research Assistant
  • Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
  • TW
Yung-Lun Lin metadataprovider
  • Research Assistant
  • Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
  • TW
  • b210195@gmail.com
Da-Li Lin metadataprovider
  • Assistant Research Fellow
  • Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
  • TW
  • 552441, Ming-Shen East Rd
  • thrush1250@gmail.com
  • +886-049-2761331
Min-Hsuan Ni reviewer
  • Research Assistant
  • Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
  • TW
  • bjo4vm0y4@gmail.com
Da-Li Lin contact
  • Assistant Research Fellow
  • Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
  • TW
  • 552441, Ming-Shen East Rd
  • thrush1250@gmail.com