

本計畫彙整園區自1988年後的相關文獻,以及2011年至今的現場調查,園區共曾記錄有19目57科254種的鳥類。另依據園區的棲地改變,將調查資料區分1988-1993、1997-2002、2003-2007、2008-2010與2011-2013等5個時期進行比較,發現園區的雁鴨科鳥類在1997年後具有較高的棲息數量,但泥灘涉禽所記錄的佔有比率逐漸降低,而樹林性陸禽所記錄的佔有比率則有逐漸增加的現象。另外,藉由東石農場自2009年5月至2013年4月,連續4年每個月在14個定點與5個濕地樣區的調查資料,並以2009年的調查資料做為基準值進行比較,結果發現東石農場在2010至2012年的鳥類族群指標(bird population index, BPI)較高,但泥灘涉禽與草地性陸禽的鳥類族群指標BPI則有下降趨勢。而總鳥種數(richness)與利用豐富度涵蓋估計法(abundance-based coverage estimator, ACE)所獲得的種豐富度指數則都有先上升而後下降的現象。 三年來,本計畫共建立園區5萬多筆的鳥類分布資料,而在今年度的監測調查中,於園區記錄有16目44科133種鳥類,與2011及2012年同時期的調查資料比較,所記錄的鳥種數相近但記錄隻次稍有增加。在所劃分的7個分區中,以東石農場的D1、D2、D3、D4與鰲鼓農場A等5個分區,記錄有較多的鳥種與棲息數量。在3類不同的調查方法中,30個定點樣區僅記錄有鳥類55種最少,9條穿越線記錄有87種,而9個濕地樣區則記錄有77種,各樣區的鳥類群聚組成與前2年的調查結果相似,而記錄鳥種數與隻次則稍有不同的變異。本計畫也對部分外來種、保育類與具觀賞性鳥種,利用監測資料來繪製這些鳥種在園區的分佈圖。 此外,本計畫除延續在東石農場東南方的人工營造濕地進行鳥類監測外,也在4月後於北堤與2號幹排的新建體驗步道,分別各設立1條穿越線來進行鳥類監測。而今年在漁塭區所記錄之鷺科鳥類的棲息數量有偏低的現象,這可能與魚塭周遭棲地的改變與漁民所採取的護魚措施有關。最後,本計畫從鳥類監測模式、任務型研究、資源特色研究與經管議題等4個面向,來研提園區短、中、長期的鳥類監測與經營管理議題。並以建立鳥類調查標準程序、建立及執行永久樣區的鳥類監測、建立及持續累積鳥類資料庫、建立及執行全區鳥類分布調查、以及歷年鳥類監測資料的分析評估等5個方向,來設立鰲鼓濕地森林園區的鳥類監測模式。 In this project we compiled historical bird data of Augo Wetland Forest Park from literuatres since 1988 and conducted surveys from 2011-2013. There are 254 bird species that were recorded in the park, belonging to 19 orders and 57 families. To understand the avian composition change through time, we divided the data into 5 time periods: 1988-1993, 1997-2002, 2003-2007, 2008-2010 and 2011-2013, and compared the the avian abundances in different guilds and time periods. The abundance of waterfowl increased while the abundance of shorebirds decreased after 1997. The abundance of forest songbirds increased gradually through time. In addition, we conducted monthly surveys from May 2009 to April 2013 at 14 survey points and five wetland plots at Dongshi Farm. When compared with the data from 2009 as the baseline, the overall bird population indices (BPI) were higher in 2010-2012; however, the BPI for shorebirds and grassland birds decreased. For overall species richness and abundance index (calculated from abundance-based coverage estimator), the values increased first in 2010 and then decreaed in 2011 and 2012. During the period of three years of the project, we collected over 50,000 entries of avian distribution data in Augo Wetland Forest Park. From 2013 alone, we recorded 137 species from 16 orders and 45 families. Compared to 2011 and 2012, species richness in 2013 did not differ; howerver, the abundance increased slightly. Among the total 7 plots in the study area, plot D1, D2, D3 from Dongshi Farm and plot A from Augo Farm had higher species richness than the other two plots. When comparing richness among three different survey methods, we recorded 55 species from 30 point-count points, 93 species from nine line transects, and 78 species from nine wetland plots. Avian compositions of different plots were similar to that of the previous two years, with different variations in different plots. We also monitored the exotic species, species with special concerns and species of interests (for birders) and plotted the distribution of these species. Moreover, we continued to monitor the avian communities in the man-made wetland in the southeastern Dongshi Farm and added two line transacts for two recently built trails near north dike and No2. canal. We found that the abundance of Ardeidae (egrets) decreaed in the fish farm area, which may result from to the change of habitat in the surrounding area of the fish farm and change of protection methods by fisiher men. Finally, we proposed short-, medium-, and long-term monitoring and management stragegies based on 4 perspecitves: avian monitoring program, project-oriented research, featured resources research, and management. We also incorporated information from the following five aspects to propose the avian monitnor program: establishing avian survey protocol, establishing and monitoring of the long-term survey plots, establishing and survey of avian distribution in the whole Park, building and accumulating avian database, and analyzing and assessing of historical avian data.

發布單位:Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 13,913


許富雄 creator
  • 助理教授
  • 國立嘉義大學生物資源學系
  • TW
  • 嘉義市學府路300號
  • richbear@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
  • 05-2717811
行政院農業委員會林務局 metadataprovider
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • TW
  • 100杭州南路一段2號
  • eml@forest.gov.tw
  • 02-23515441
行政院農業委員會林務局 owner
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • TW
  • 100杭州南路一段2號
  • eml@forest.gov.tw
  • 02-23515441
許富雄 principalInvestigator
  • 助理教授
  • 國立嘉義大學生物資源學系
  • TW
  • 嘉義市學府路300號
  • richbear@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
  • 05-2717811
嘉義縣野鳥學會 processor
  • 嘉義縣野鳥學會
  • 嘉義縣野鳥學會
  • TW
  • 嘉義市民生南路437巷16號
  • 05-2354704
許富雄 contact
  • 助理教授
  • 國立嘉義大學生物資源學系
  • TW
  • 嘉義市學府路300號
  • richbear@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
  • 05-2717811