第四次森林資源調查野生動物調查錄音檔案監聽辨識及資料分析 Sound Identification and Data Analysis of Wildlife Field Survey Recordings from the Fourth National Forest Resources Survey


林務局自97年起展開第四次全國森林資源調查工作,除了林木資源調查外,並將野生動物列為調查項目之一,調查方式除由調查隊於外業行進間針對沿途發現之野生動物個體、排遺、足印、爪痕、窩巢等蹤跡,予以照相並填列紀錄表外,另外採用定點錄音調查方式,於外業宿營或設置樣區時,尋覓適當地點架設錄音筆,以錄取周遭野生動物鳴叫聲音,並記錄所在地座標,以累積野生動物分布資訊。沿線記錄總計有1,841筆紀錄,有照片可確認者,則觀察照片後確認,疑似記錄但無照片者,視為無效記錄,並去除無座標記錄之後,總計有1,651筆有效記錄。錄音樣點在扣除無座標、格式設定錯誤、時間過短的品質不佳或無效樣點之後,總計有260個錄音檔案,總長度5,689.2小時,多於邀標書之243個錄音檔案和5,542小時。錄音檔案在轉換格式之後,依據日間取樣監聽、夜間頻譜法以及採用電腦搜尋日間音檔辨識方式,分別切割成適當長度之音檔。先進行日間取樣監聽以及夜間頻譜法,在確認有紀錄之物種之後,再以電腦搜尋日間音檔以補充可能遺漏物種,總共累積27,621筆153種動物出現記錄,包括兩生類18種、哺乳類11種、鳥類123種以及疣尾蝎虎(Hemidactylus frenatus)一種,若僅區分不同地點而不考慮同種動物同一地點不同出現時間,總共有3,740筆不同動物不同地點的記錄,人工取樣監聽與頻譜法辨識出3,528筆,電腦搜尋辨識則補充了212筆記錄。沿線調查記錄29種野生動物,包括11種哺乳類、12種鳥類與6種蛇類,主要涵蓋很少發出聲音的蛇類與幾種哺乳類與鳥類。彙整錄音調查與沿線紀錄,總計有166種陸域脊椎動物,包括哺乳類16種、鳥類125種、蛙類18種、爬行動物7種。保育類動物部分,包括瀕臨絕種保育類台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)、熊鷹(Nisaetus nipalensis)、林鵰(Ictinaetus malayensis)與黃鸝(Oriolus chinensis diffusus)4種、珍貴稀有保育類32種及其他應予保育類14種,總計50種保育類野生動物。彙整動物分布資料,建置野生動物分布資料庫,產出野生動物分布圖,呈現第四次全國森林資源調查之野生動物調查成果。本次森林資源調查利用新的錄音調查技術採用新的錄音調查技術,累積5,396筆166種不同物種記錄,並且透過全台灣260處錄音樣點,更為系統性的收集這些動物在不同海拔帶的分布趨勢,較第三次森林資源調查1,122筆92種陸域脊椎動物累積更多動物生態資訊。錄音調查方式遠比沿線調查記錄更多動物,可以作為森林資源調查隊的主要野生動物調查工具,並可做系統性與標準化的資料收集,可評估未來規劃系統性取樣直接在森林樣區進行錄音監測,結合森林樣區的植群環境資料,作為國有林班地的長期動物監測資料。 The Forestry Bureau started the fourth national forest resource survey in 2008. Wildlife sightings, foot prints, feces, and other tracks and signs were all recorded along survey routes. In addition, acoustic survey was utilized for the first time. Autonomous recorders, which could record up to 93 hours continuously, were deployed at suitable sites during forest survey routes. Of the 1,841 records of tracks, signs, or sightings recorded, 1,651 records were kept after eliminating those without coordinates and uncertain identity. There are 260 acoustic survey sites, totaling 5,689.2 hours of sound recording. These sound files were processed, transformed, and split for further identification. Based on previous established protocols, daytime recordings were sampled and listened for identification by experts; nighttime recordings were scanned using sonogram and only identified at where animal sounds occurred to save time; non-sampled daytime recordings were scanned by a computer software and confirmed by experts to see whether any rare species occurred. Total 27,621 wildlife occurrence records belonging to 153 different species were obtained from these sound recordings, including 18 amphibian species, 11 mammalian species, 123 avian species, and common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus). If site is treated as the unit of occurrences, there were total 3,740 records of different species at different sites, including 3,528 records from expert sampled real-time monitoring and sonogram scanning and 212 records from computer searching. Observation along routes documented 29 species, including 11 mammalian species, 12 avian species, and 6 species of snakes. Most species from field observation were those seldom make sounds. Combining acoustics surveys and file observations, there are total 166 terrestrial vertebrates consisting of 16 mammals, 125 birds, 18 frogs, and 7 reptiles. Total 50 species are protected species, including 4 endangered species of black bears (Ursus thibetanus formosanus), Hodgson’s hawk eagles (Nisaetus nipalensis nipalensis), Indian black eagles (Ictinaetus malayensis malayensis), and black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis diffusus), 32 rare and valuable species, and 14 other protected species. Occurrence maps were produced for all these species. This is the first time to use acoustic survey technique in the national forest surveys and accumulated 5,396 records of 166 species exceeding 1,122 records of 92 species from the third national forest resource survey. Furthermore, altitudinal distribution patterns of all these species were explored from the 260 acoustic sites across different altitudes. Acoustic survey could be a new tool for wildlife survey and monitor for future.

發布單位:Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 26,316


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  • neckrikulau@gmail.com
  • 0919390767
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  • 技士
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • btownr@gmail.com
姜博仁 contact
  • 採集人員
  • 野聲環境生態顧問有限公司
  • TW
  • 407西屯區永福路132號2F-3
  • neckrikulau@gmail.com
  • 0919390767