Dataset of long-term bird monitoring in Qigu wetlands, Taiwan


Qigu District, located on the southwest coast of Taiwan, is full of natural and artificial wetlands and therefore one of the important bird habitats along the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF). For conservation and academic purposes, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (TESRI) (currently known as Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, TBRI) initiated a long-term bird monitoring project in wetlands of southwestern Qigu in 2015. In the period of April 2015 to March 2021, bird censuses were conducted once a month at 6 sampling sites, resulting in 432 sampling events and 11,533 occurrence records. A total of 100,601 individual counts, grouped into 120 species and 36 families, were recorded. The most dominant family is Ardeidae, followed by Scolopacidae, Anatidae, Recurvirostridae and Charadriidae. This project is still in progress and the dataset may be updated irregularly in the future.

發布單位:Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 11,533
event筆數 432


Meng-Chi Hung creator
  • Researcher
  • Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
  • TW
Yu-Jung Cheng creator
  • Research Assistant
  • Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
  • TW
Hsien-Yu Lee creator
  • Assistant Researcher
  • Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
  • TW
Hsien-Yu Lee metadataprovider
  • Assistant Researcher
  • Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
  • TW
Meng-Chi Hung user
  • Researcher
  • Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
  • TW
Meng-Chi Hung contact
  • Researcher
  • Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
  • TW
