臺東縣轄海岸山脈野生動物重要棲息環境及周遭緩衝區(成功事業區第40林班至45林班) 動物資源調查與監測計畫(1/3)


海岸山脈野生動物重要棲息環境於89年依野生動物保育法公告,於近20年前進行過初步動物相調查過後,保護區內就沒有任何的動物資源調查,加上此區有很大的礦區開發壓力,因此本計劃於2012年開始於海岸山脈野生動物重要棲息環境及周遭緩衝區,即台東林區管理處成功事業區40~45林班,於今年1月至11月之調查期間使用沿線現場觀察加上掃網採集、19處自動照相機、28處自動錄音機、小型哺乳類陷阱、豎琴網、馬氏網、燈光誘集、水網蝦籠等方式,調查動物資源及礦區對動物生態之可能影響,共計調查到陸域脊椎動物16種哺乳類(不包含訪談記錄)、70種鳥類、28種兩棲爬蟲類,陸域無脊椎動物9目48科153種,水域魚類及甲殼類3目6科13種,水域無脊椎動物7目17科25種。保育類動物包括哺乳類珍貴稀有保育類3種及其他應予保育類3種,瀕臨絕種保育類台灣黑熊(Ursus thibetanus formosanus)僅有訪談出現記錄,需進一步調查確認其族群狀況。鳥類包括瀕臨絕種保育類熊鷹(Spizaetus nipalensis)及林鵰(Ictinaetus malayensis)、珍貴稀有保育類14種及其他應予保育類5種,其中熊鷹與林鵰在多處地點都有記錄,並有發現熊鷹兩隻成對的活動。蛙類包括珍貴稀有保育類橙腹樹蛙(Rhacophorus aurantiventris)。爬蟲類則包括珍貴稀有保育類食蛇龜(Cuora flavomarginata flavomarginata)及其他應予保育類眼鏡蛇(Naja atra),比較特殊的為記錄到稀有的灰腹綠錦蛇(Rhadinophis frenata)。礦區影響評估部分,礦場的直接開發挖掘,造成礦場核心開挖區域諸多物種(至少包括22種保育類物種)棲地的消失或干擾,而礦場的開發所引入的人為干擾與盜獵方便性,則造成附近森林山羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)出現頻度減少與山羌和長鬃山羊(Capricornis swinhoei)增加夜行活動比例的行為改變,部分物種也可能因此減少在周遭森林出現的機率,如穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)與藍腹鷴(Lophura swinhoii)等。 關鍵字:海岸山脈野生動物重要棲息環境、動物資源、礦業、人為活動 Coastal Range Major Wildlife Habitat was established in 2000 based on the Wildlife Conservation Law. However, there is not any further wildlife survey or monitor programs since the first survey conducted nearly 20 years ago. In addition, this protected area faces heavy mining pressure threatening the habitat of many wildlife species. Thus, this project started investigation of the core protected and surrounding areas, i.e. Chengkung Working Circle. From January to November 2012, 19 camera traps and 28 acoustic survey sites were established. Transects, small mammal trapping, harp nets, Malaise traps, light traps, shrimp traps, and Surber nets were also used. Terrestrial vertebrate species recorded include 16 mammals, 70 birds, 28 amphibians and reptile. Terrestrial invertebrates include 9 orders, 48 families, and 153 species. In river habitat, 3 orders, 6 famlilies, and 13 species of fish and crustaceans were found. Aquatic invertebrates include 7 orders, 17 families, and 25 species. Protected mammal species include 3 species in the “rare and valuable” category and 3 species in the “other” category. While the “endangered” Formosan black bear (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) was only reported by local people. The population status of black bears in this region needs further investigation. Protected bird species include the “endangered” Hodson hawk eagle (Spizaetus nipalensis) and the black eagle (Ictinaetus malayensis), 14 spcies in the “rare and valuable” category and 5 species in the “other” category. Protected frog species consist of only the orange belly tree frog (Rhacophorus aurantiventris) in the “rare and valuable” category. Protected reptile species include the yellow-margined box turtle (Cuora flavomarginata flavomarginata) in the “rare and valuable” category and the Taiwan cobra (Naja atra) in the “other” category. The rare, though not protected, rein snake (Rhadinophis frenata) was newly recorded in this area. Regarding impact of mining activities to wildlife, the core mining area causes disappearance of habitats for at least 22 protected vertebrate species. The mining activities likely caused the Reeve’s muntjacs (Muntiacus reevesi micrurus) and Formosan serow (Capricornis swinhoei) to occur less frequently at surrounding area and reduce diurnal activities. Some species, e.g. the Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) and the Swinhoe pheasant (Lophura swinhoii), may avoid utilizing the habitat nearby mining area. Keywords: Coastal Range Major Wildlife Habitat Area, wildlife survey, mining, monitor

發布單位:Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 2,955


林良恭 creator
  • 理事長
  • 台灣哺乳動物學會
  • TW
  • 04-23590845
行政院農業委員會林務局 metadataprovider
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • TW
  • 100杭州南路一段2號
  • eml@forest.gov.tw
  • 02-23515441
林良恭 principalInvestigator
  • 理事長
  • 台灣哺乳動物學會
  • TW
  • 04-23590845
行政院農業委員會林務局 owner
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • TW
  • 100杭州南路一段2號
  • eml@forest.gov.tw
  • 02-23515441
姜博仁 owner
  • 研究員
  • 台灣哺乳動物學會
  • TW
  • neckrikulau@gmail.com
  • 0919390767
姜博仁 contact
  • 研究員
  • 台灣哺乳動物學會
  • TW
  • neckrikulau@gmail.com
  • 0919390767