

摘要 本調查研究計畫蒐集雪霸自然保護區自1987年至2011年之歷年維管束植物資源調查研究成果紀錄共30餘冊及有關本區內之歷年維管束植物分類研究報告,其中統整樣區設置於區內之維管束植物物種清單,計整理出894個分類群,總計144科418屬894種,其中特有種276種特有種,佔本區總維管束植物(含已歸化之維管束植物)之30.9%,其中稀有植物75種,依據IUCN等級進行整理共計有嚴重瀕臨絶滅(CR)1種、瀕臨絶滅(EN)4種、易受害(VU)31種、接近威脅(NT)38種。所有資料將以Microsoft Office Access資料庫軟體進行彙整,未來可供管理人員直接於資料庫中進行資料更新及查詢資料等功能,並能提供各項基礎研究及保育策略擬定之參考。 另本計畫調查期間,亦針對雪山、大霸尖山地區及志樂溪流域之83及84林班進行調查採集,共計記錄有維管束植物276種,蕨類植物20科38屬48種、裸子植物4科5屬6種、雙子葉植物76科165屬199種及單子葉植物7科20屬23種,並記錄到秋海棠科之一新分類群(Begonia sp.)及特產於本區之珍稀植物蓬萊油菊(Dendranthema horaimontana),將納入研究調查之維管束植物資源清內。其中包含有大面積之巒大杉(Cunninghamia konishii)、臺灣肖楠(Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz var. formosana)及臺灣黃杉(Pseudotsuga wilsoniana)原生林,珍貴而稀有。基於本區珍貴而豐富的植物資源,有必要持續加以調查。 ABSTRACT From 1987 to 2009, there were more than 30 books recording the vascular plant resources in Syueba Nature Reserve. We collected these researches and the studies about the classification of the vascular plant resources in the area over the years, and compiled all the vascular plant species lists in the area. There was a total of 894 species, 418 genera, and 144 families. The endemic species were 276 species, and were 30.9% of all the vascular plants (including the naturalized vascular plants) in the area. The rare species were 75 species, 1 critically endangered (CR), 5 endangered (EN), 31 vulnerable (VU), and 38 near threatened (NT), according to IUCN Red List. Through Microsoft Office Access, all the data are available for the authority to regenerate and inquire. It is also a convenient reference for every basic research and conservation policy. During our investigation, we studied in Mt. Xue, Mt. Dabajian, and the Compartment 83 and 84 in the basin of Zhile River as well. There were 276 species of vascular plants recorded, including 48 species, 38 genera, and 20 families of ferns, 6 species, 5 genera, and 4 families of gymnosperms, 199 species, 165 genera, and 76 families of dicotyledons, and 23 species, 20 genera, and 7 families of monocotyledons. A surprise was to record a new taxon of Family Begoniaceae, Begonia sp., and a rare plant endemic to this area, Dendranthema horaimontana in our vascular plant resources list. The huge original forests of Cunninghamia konishii, Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana, and Pseudotsuga wilsoniana were valuable and rare. There were valuable and abundant plant resources in the area, so we suggested strongly to keep investigating and researching.

發布單位:Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 324


志強 王 (Wang) creator
  • 副教授
  • 國立屏東科技大學森林系
  • TW
  • 912內埔鄉學府路一號森林系
  • 08-7703202
行政院農業委員會林務局 metadataprovider
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • 行政院農業委員會林務局
  • TW
  • 100台北市杭州南路一段2號
  • eml@forest.gov.tw
  • 02-23515441
志強 王 (Wang) principalInvestigator
  • 副教授
  • 國立屏東科技大學森林系
  • TW
  • 912內埔鄉學府路一號森林系
  • 08-7703202
志強 王 (Wang) contact
  • 副教授
  • 國立屏東科技大學森林系
  • TW
  • 912內埔鄉學府路一號森林系
  • 08-7703202