臺灣兩棲類資源調查網 (Taiwan Amphibians Database)


近年來生物多樣性快速消失,民眾保育意識抬頭,伴隨著公民科學家的成長,自2002年開始有許多熱心的民眾協助參與兩棲類調查的工作。2007年起,透過台灣兩棲類保育志工的設立,展開大規模系統性的調查。為了能更強化兩棲類生態保育的力量,並提高環境教育的效率,由各地志工號召下,成立台灣兩棲類動物保育協會。期望透過協會的串連,讓兩棲類動物的調查、監測與環境教育工作能更有組織性,引起更多民眾的參與,共同維護兩棲類動物及生物多樣性的永續。至2021年,台灣兩棲類資源資料庫已經累積超過33萬資料,是保育台灣兩棲類的重要基礎資料。 Biodiversity has declined rapidly in recent years. The public's awareness of conservation is on the rise. With the growth of citizen science, since 2002, many enthusiastic citizens have assisted in the work of amphibian surveys in Taiwan. Since 2007, a large-scale systematic investigation has been carried out through the Taiwan amphibian conservation volunteers. In order to strengthen the power of amphibian ecological conservation and improve the efficiency of environmental education, Society for Taiwan Amphibian Conservation (STAC)was established by volunteers. It is hoped that through STAC, the survey, monitoring and environmental education of amphibians in Taiwan will be more organized, and more people will participate in the conservation of amphibians and biodiversity. By 2021, the Taiwan amphibian database has accumulated more than 330,000 data, which is an important basic data for the conservation of amphibians in Taiwan.

發布單位:Society for Taiwan Amphibian conservation
資料授權引用格式:Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License

出現紀錄筆數 379,411
event筆數 58,742


Yi-Ju Yang (楊懿如) creator
  • Associate Professor (副教授)
  • 國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系
  • TW
  • 壽豐鄉大學路二段一號
  • treefrog@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
  • 03-8905192
台灣兩棲保育志工 creator
  • 國立東華大學兩棲類保育研究室 / Society for Taiwan Amphibian Conservation (社團法人台灣兩棲類動物保育協會)
  • TW
  • formosafrog@gmail.com
Szu-Hsien Lee (李思賢) metadataprovider
  • IT splecialitis (資訊人員)
  • TaiBIF
  • TW
  • moogoo78@gmail.com
Wei-Hsien Chung (鍾偉賢) programmer
  • Front-end Engineer (前端工程師)
  • ACE Biotek (筑波醫電)
  • TW
Yi-Ju Yang (楊懿如) contact
  • Associate Professor (副教授)
  • Department of Nature Resources and Environmental Studies College of Environmental Studies, National Dong Hwa University (國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系)
  • TW
  • 壽豐鄉大學路二段一號
  • treefrog@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
  • 03-8905192
Cheng-En Li (李承恩) contact
  • 常務理事
  • Society for Taiwan Amphibian Conservation (台灣兩棲類動物保育協會)
  • TW
Szu-Hsien Lee (李思賢) contact
  • IT splecialitis (資訊人員)
  • TaiBIF
  • moogoo78@gmail.com