藍鰭鮪瀕絕 太平洋33國達保育共識




世界最大的鮪魚 太平洋33國嚴訂捕撈配額

委員會的科學顧問表示,太平洋藍鰭鮪魚只剩下過去數量的4%。世界自然基金會(WWF)中西太平洋鮪魚計劃經理Alfred Cook補充,整個魚群數量只剩下一小群年事已高的繁殖族群維繫著。



大西洋藍鰭鮪也瀕危 學者警告勿過度樂觀





其他太平洋鮪魚也漸減少 保育規範各國無共識


在阿皮亞會議上,薩摩亞對於菲律賓反對更新大眼、黃鰭和鰹魚保育規範表示遺憾。薩摩亞農漁業部首席漁業官員Joyce Samuelu Ah Leong說,目前的保育制度對太平洋島國造成不成比例的經濟負擔。南韓代表也反對更新保育規範,因為去年產生的新評估辦法尚未實施。


Consensus Reached On Pacific Bluefin Tuna Conservation
APIA, Samoa, December 3, 2014 (ENS)

Pacific fishing nations have reached agreement on new rules for the conservation of Pacific Bluefin tuna, a species that is nearly fished out to serve the lucrative sushi trade.

The agreement was reached at the 11th session of the Western & Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Tuesday in Apia, where 33 member states and territories of the WCPFC are meeting through Friday.

Scientists advising the Commission say Pacific Bluefin tuna numbers are down to just four percent of their historic levels.

Only a tiny breeding stock now approaching the end of its lifecycle is holding that population together, says Alfred Cook, the WWF’s Western and Central Pacific Tuna Programme Manager.

The new conservation rules require bluefin tuna fleets to keep catches below the 2002-2004 annual average levels.

Catches of bluefin tuna under 30kg each are to be reduced to 50 percent of the 2002-2004. If the catch limit is exceeded, the over-catch will be deducted from the following year’s catch limit.

Pacific bluefin fetch high prices at auction due to the demand for their flesh at the world’s sushi counters, especially those in Japan, where about 80 percent of all bluefin tuna caught worldwide is eaten.

Bluefin are the largest of the tuna species, and individual tunas can live up to 40 years. They migrate across oceans and can dive to a depth of more than 4,000 feet.

There are three species of bluefin: Atlantic, the largest and most endangered, Pacific, and Southern. Most catches of the Atlantic bluefin tuna are taken from the Mediterranean Sea, which is the most important bluefin tuna fishery in the world.

In the Atlantic and Mediterranean, bluefin tunas face a more deadly future than their Pacific cousins.

On November 17, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) concluded a special meeting in Genoa, Italy, by agreeing to a rapid increase in the Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishing quota.

Atlantic and Mediterranean fishing nations agreed to a quota increase of nearly 20 percent every year for the next three years.

Current signs of an ongoing recovery in the bluefin tuna population in the East Atlantic and the Mediterranean have generated “over-optimistic expectations from a part of the industry and certain fishing nations, which have asked for dramatic catch increases, ignoring warnings from scientists that any increase in catch levels should be moderate and gradual,” warns the WWF.

Other Pacific tuna species are also at risk.

Bigeye tuna stocks are at only 16 percent of historic levels and heavily over-exploited, while worrying declines are occurring in stocks of skipjack, albacore, and yellowfin tuna.

At the Apia meeting, Samoa expressed disappointment with the Philippines position against changes to the conservation regime for bigeye, yellowfin and skipjack tuna.

At a press conference, Joyce Samuelu Ah Leong, principal fisheries officer of Samoa’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, said the current regime is placing a disproportionate economic burden on Pacific island countries.

While each country is entitled to its own opinion, said Ah Leong, the 17-nation Forum Fisheries Agency had been looking forward to more consultations and negotiations during the forum.

Members of the South Korean delegation to the Apia meeting also resisted changing the conservation rules for these tunas, saying evaluation of new measures adopted last year has not yet taken place.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS
